Thoughts and conversation from our nomads.

Illustration of two dogs with one dreaming of a bone
Sandy Mamoli David Mole Sandy Mamoli David Mole

Agile Australia 2024: Resilience and Growth

Attending Agile Australia has always been a highlight of my year, and this year was extra special because I finally got the opportunity to keynote the conference. It only took me 10 years (since I first set myself that goal), but hey, lifetime achievement unlocked!...

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Sandy Mamoli David Mole Sandy Mamoli David Mole

Podcast: High-Performing Agile Teams

Join Vitaliy Lyoshin and me in this podcast episode we explore the world of high-performing agile teams! We discuss how teams can achieve high performance and success through behaviours, shared history, and self-selection. Here are some key takeaways: ✔️Agile teams thrive on a shared goal, mutual de...

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Anthony Boobier David Mole Anthony Boobier David Mole

Learning your way to a successful strategy

I get frustrated when I hear people talk about strategy, and then think they are done when they have come up with a vision and objectives. To me that is a mere platitude. I agree with Richard Rumelt that a good strategy is an “effective mix of thought and action”. Strategy needs both, but it also n...

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Anthony Boobier David Mole Anthony Boobier David Mole

Prioritisation in 3 ‘simple’ questions

There are so many frameworks, tools and techniques for prioritising out there, that it’s tricky to know which one to pick (I see the irony here). As far as I’m concerned, whatever you are prioritising, whether it’s what feature to build for a product, what project to undertake, or what you should st...

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Brenda Leeuwenberg David Mole Brenda Leeuwenberg David Mole

The decline of the A word

“Agile is Dead” seems to be the phrase of the day. Not really what you want to be hearing when Agile consulting is your bread and butter and you are fairly passionate about everything it encompasses - and know that fundamentally this sentiment is not founded on any logical reality. So I set out to e...

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Sandy Mamoli David Mole Sandy Mamoli David Mole

Agile: A Continuation, Not a Conclusion

With the rapid pace of transformation in technology and work culture, it's challenging to predict what the future holds. It's clear, though, that new ways of working are emerging and they're here to stay. This workshop, based on Jim Highsmith's book "Wild West to Agile", attempts to do exactly that....

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David Mole David Mole David Mole David Mole

Six Timeless Lessons from Agile Australia 2023

Agile Australia continues to be a world leading conference, and having just unpacked our suitcases from our trip to Sydney, I am excited to share a tapestry of thoughts that we've woven together into six takeaways and insights. The conference was headlined by outstanding speakers including Steve Den...

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Harry Tucker David Mole Harry Tucker David Mole

How to sabotage your agility in 5 simple steps

Are you bombarded by books and articles that exist to help you improve yourself? Are you exasperated by talks from agile thought leaders about helping you become a better agile practitioner? Are you tired of going 'on a journey' and want to stop and set up camp right where you are? If you answered y...

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Tony O'Halloran David Mole Tony O'Halloran David Mole

The rise and rise of Quarterfall

During the year of 2017 I broke five bones (3 ribs, my collarbone and my wrist) all on separate occasions. I ride mountain bikes often (or at least I did until I recently had twins) and I love riding the steep, technical and rooty trails that Wellington NZ has in abundance....

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Harry Tucker David Mole Harry Tucker David Mole

How to sabotage your teams in 5 simple steps

Are you tired of endless articles and books about how to create strong and healthy team cultures, cultivating environments where individuals have the support and freedom to do their best work, or tips on building high performing teams? If you answered yes to at least one of the above, then I have th...

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