

Aug 22, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Checklists have a somewhat bad reputation in the Agile world, probably because they “smell” of too little self-organisation and too much process. I find this reputation is entirely undeserved as they can be extremely useful as a memory aid, or to visualize a workflow. Checklists play an important r... continue reading

Kanban is not for the Idle or Newbies

Jul 27, 2011  ·  Mike Lowery

For four of my six and a half Agile years I was solidly in the Scrum camp, Lean, in my opinion, was already part of Scrum and its influence made Scrum even better. I don't think that any Agile practice is for the work shy and there is a lot of personal courage needed to get any practice working well... continue reading

Even done is never done

Jul 21, 2011  ·  Mike Lowery

A “done” definition in an Agile project is a statement that the team use to measure whether they’ve met all of the requirements for completing a userstory / feature (and in some cases completing an iteration or release). Done is one of the major shifts from doing Agile to being Agile. So, what is “d... continue reading

The Wall of Pain

Jul 20, 2011  ·  Mike Lowery

Software projects experience a problem called technical debt. In short, technical debt is the result of making a quick and dirty work around (often for valid reasons such as deadlines) which creates rework later. I recently visited an organisation that had a wall of pain which I thought was an excel... continue reading

The document dilemma

Jul 20, 2011  ·  Mike Lowery

The Agile manifesto states “Working software over comprehensive documentation” – this seems to be one of the biggest mindset shifts that organisations need to make when adopting any Agile framework. For some people that simple statement brings up visions of chaos, lack of control, and the worst fear... continue reading

A template for the sprint review

Jun 21, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Conducting an interesting and engaging end-of-sprint review is an often overlooked art: Not only do we want to show what we have built during the last sprint and collect feedback and good ideas for what to build next; we also want to give our audience a good experience. At my workplace we always in... continue reading

Visual Workspaces: Kanban for one

Jun 08, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

One of the things that immediately caught on when we started our journey towards being Agile at Snapper was the use of visual workspaces. The team loved the sense of achievement of moving a task from "In Progress" to "Done" and found the board helped them stay focused and co-ordinated. Everyone from... continue reading

A Scrum Product Owner checklist

May 28, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

After my last post on the role of the Scrum Master I have been asked if I could write a similar role description for the Scrum Product Owner. Here’s my view of the role: The Product Owner The product owner is a visionary who can envision the final product and communicate the vision. The product o... continue reading

Why being a Scrum Master is a full time job

May 14, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

“An adequate Scrum Master can handle two or three teams at the time; a great one can only handle one”. (Michael James - An Example Scrum Master’s checklist) I found that organisations, teams and new Scrum Masters (even freshly certified ones) often aren’t sure what the Scrum Master role entails a... continue reading

A 5-why root cause analysis retrospective

Apr 22, 2011  ·  Sandy Mamoli

The idea For quite a while I have been waiting for an opportunity to try a 5-why root cause analysis in a sprint retrospective. The 5-why analysis has its origins within Toyota and lean manufacturing and is used to find the root cause of a problem through identifying a symptom and then repeating th... continue reading

10 ways to fail with Agile

Sept 24, 2010  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Last week I presented at WebDU in Sydney. The conference was excellently organised by Geoff and the Daemon guys and I met lots of interesting people. And I love Sydney! In short I had a blast. Apart from a workshop on user stories I presented on 10 ways to fail with Agile. Judging by the Twitter str... continue reading

Agile undercover - when customers don't collaborate

Aug 25, 2010  ·  Sandy Mamoli

The other night I attended Rashina Hoda’s totally awesome presentation “Agile Undercover: When Customers don’t collaborate” at the Wellington Agile Professionals Network. Rashina presented the research she had conducted on the basis of interviewing 30 people across 16 organisations in New Zealand an... continue reading

Acceptance Criteria and the Definition of Done

Aug 18, 2010  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Recently some of the teams I’m coaching found it difficult to distinguish between acceptance criteria for user stories and the definition of done. Here’s my attempt to make the distinction clear: For a user story or feature to be "potentially shippable" it needs to meet the expectations of the Prod... continue reading

Release sprints

Jun 01, 2010  ·  Sandy Mamoli

To get our code to production what is left to do is to turn the "potentially" releasable product into a releasable product. To do this a number of activities are required: Which ones and how much effort they require varies greatly between types of organisation. The fastest way to perform rollout ac... continue reading

On Acceptance criteria for user stories

May 09, 2010  ·  Sandy Mamoli

One of the teams I have recently coached quickly got a grasp of how to phrase user stories but found it hard to relate to the concept of acceptance criteria. I wrote this short FAQ as an attempt to make it easier for my team to work with acceptance criteria and hope that other teams might find this... continue reading