Thoughts and conversation from our nomads.

Sandy Mamoli David Mole Sandy Mamoli David Mole

Agile Australia 2024: Resilience and Growth

Attending Agile Australia has always been a highlight of my year, and this year was extra special because I finally got the opportunity to keynote the conference. It only took me 10 years (since I first set myself that goal), but hey, lifetime achievement unlocked!...

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Harry Tucker David Mole Harry Tucker David Mole

How to sabotage your agility in 5 simple steps

Are you bombarded by books and articles that exist to help you improve yourself? Are you exasperated by talks from agile thought leaders about helping you become a better agile practitioner? Are you tired of going 'on a journey' and want to stop and set up camp right where you are? If you answered y...

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Sandy Mamoli David Mole Sandy Mamoli David Mole

Are you picking your team wisely?

At age 15 I found myself part of a team I had nothing in common with: people were at least 10 years older, they were a lot better at playing handball and we had nothing in common except for a love of the game. I felt very alone and inadequate, and just tried to hang in there practicing harder than I...

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