What surfing taught me about progress and change

Business Agility, Talks | Podcasts | Presentations, Personal Development.

Apr 02, 2022  ·  Paulius Tuzikas

Business Agility

In 2016 I had a near death experience. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It happened at a beautiful place called Costa De Caparica, Portugal. I was a beginner surfer, having only 2 lessons in my whole life. I showed up at the beach excited, with a wetsuit on and my surfboard nicely waxed. I had no clue that the waves that day were way beyond my capabilities. I learned it the hard way.

I had a huge pleasure sharing my story about what surfing taught me about agile, making progress and change with Jimmy Janlén in his Youtube channel Agile with Jimmy. Enjoy the video below!