Thoughts and conversation from our nomads.

Richard Scott-Will-Harknett David Mole Richard Scott-Will-Harknett David Mole

GROW your planning

There are many approaches to carrying out planning. Here's what I use for situations that require any kind of planning at all - from working across organisational transformation to figuring out what to do at the weekend. I like it because it’s simple, easy to remember and it sets me up naturally to...

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Mike Lowery David Mole Mike Lowery David Mole

Sprint planning - turning the what into how

What does your sprint planning meeting look like? Are you the "do it as fast as you can" efficiency hounds or the "sit and listen while the tech lead drones on" type, or are you a "real team" who fight for great designs and customer experiences? Having watched and attended a few hundred of these mee...

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Sandy Mamoli Squarespace Expert Sandy Mamoli Squarespace Expert

How story points work

One of my clients is a small software development house that does custom development in the form of development projects for clients . I helped them to successfully introduce Agile (Scrum with XP) and both the team and business managers are really happy with it. As they liked our methods of plannin...

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