Squadify with Self-Selecting Teams

Squadify with Self-Selecting Teams

Mar 20, 2016  ·  Sandy Mamoli

"No one had ever done this on the scale we were contemplating. Could it possibly work?" Fast growth has a way of forcing organizational change on a business, but it also presents opportunities to try new ways of working. When Trade Me, New Zealand’s biggest e-commerce provider, hit a new level of gr... continue reading

Yay, we published a book!

Yay, we published a book!

Dec 01, 2015  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Our book "Creating Great Teams - How Self Selection Lets People Excel" was published with Pragmatic Bookshelf last week. Yesterday, the first paper copies arrived. A picture of the calm and collected authors (David Mole and me). So, what's the book about? And why should you read it? Here's a brief... continue reading

Case Study: MYOB

Case Study: MYOB

Jun 23, 2015  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Self-selection helps Agile teams pick themselves. And it’s spreading: Since we shared our Self-Selection kit in May 2014 we have heard about successful Self-Selection events from companies from all over the world. Read our interview with MYOB’s Simon Bristow and Alex Barreto, and find out how they m... continue reading

Case Study: Australia Post

Case Study: Australia Post

Mar 04, 2015  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Inspired by our squadification event, Australia Post set out to try self-selection for themselves. 60 people were asked to figure out who should be in which team and choose who they wanted to work with. Read our interview with Andy Kelk, Australia Post's Head of Technology for Digital Mailbox, who m... continue reading

Quick Guide to Self-Selection

Quick Guide to Self-Selection

May 12, 2014  ·  Sandy Mamoli

This free Self-Selection pocket guide is a quick guide to Self-Selection. Use these handy checklists for preparing and running self-selection events of 20-200 people. It can be used as a stand-along guide or as a companion to the book “Creating Great Teams - How Self- Selection Lets People Excel” by... continue reading

Large Scale Self-Selection - the Trade Me Case Study

Large Scale Self-Selection - the Trade Me Case Study

Jan 11, 2014  ·  Sandy Mamoli

Organisations get the best results when people can choose what they work on and who they work with. In that spirit we decided to let people self-organise into small, cross-functional teams called squads. Up until last week we had six established squads within two tribes the rollout had been purposef... continue reading

Self-Selection: The Self-Organising organisation

Self-Selection: The Self-Organising organisation

Oct 15, 2013  ·  Sandy Mamoli

... let teams self-select! At Trade Me we’re in the process of getting everyone into small, cross-functional teams (squads) that will persist over time and across projects. Up until last week we had six established squads and the rollout had been purposefully slow and controlled. Now we felt there... continue reading