An Opportunity Canvas story

I got 'canvas envy' after seeing Jeff Patton's excellent Opportunity Canvas in late 2016, and have been using it in the field ever since. I've made a few changes to it, as people seem to like more structure, especially when it's run in a group. This version tells a 'story' to gain a shared understanding by using the following flow:

• What's our Goal or Mission?

• What's the Opportunity?

• How will we approach it?

• How will we know we are succeeding?

(Thanks to Penny Goodwin from the BNZ for her contribution)

If you'd like a single page copy of this version of the Opportunity Canvas download a pdf copy here

Alternatively, download a Powerpoint version which has a section on each page. I've found this useful when I want to facilitate with a larger group. Print out it out large and single sided, put it on a wall, then walk through each section, capturing key points on stickies.

I've now updated the Canvas to a version 2 which you can find here

Enjoy telling your own Canvas story!


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