Product Ownership

As a product manager or product owner your teams need to be working on the right things. Learn how to understand your user's motivations, validate your ideas, prioritise your work, and create the best context for product delivery.

Product Ownership

Upcoming course: July 03, 04, 10, 11, 9:00am - 12:30pm, online

Dive deep into exploring, assessing and testing ideas. Look into methods for validating assumptions and tools to explore and frame solutions. Learn how to create a product backlog, map user stories and define your releases. Cover ways of prioritising backlog items and delivering value to end users incrementally and continuously.

You’ll learn through hands-on exercises, practical activities, discussion and presentations—and as part of the workshop we’ll help you find ways to apply what you’re learning to your everyday work life.

Ignite your passion for Agile Product Ownership with accomplished trainers who are among the most experienced and well-respected Agile practitioners in NZ.

Course outline
- Product Ownership and the value exchange
- Your ecosystem of users, customers and stakeholders
- User interviews and empathy maps
- Framing the problem with the opportunity canvas
- Testing assumptions and working with experiments
- Product Backlog and prioritisation
Book for $1249 + GST

Upcoming Courses

ICAgile Team Facilitator  (Online, Interactive)
Jul 29

ICAgile Team Facilitator (Online, Interactive)

Discover how to empower and lead truly successful Agile teams—and take your career as Scrum master, delivery manager, project manager or Agile team facilitator to the next level.

Jul 29, 2024 · courses
Strengths of Resilient Women (Leading Ladies Northland)
Aug 09

Strengths of Resilient Women (Leading Ladies Northland)

An afternoon especially designed for working women wanting to fill their cup. Sandy Mamoli will be the closing keynote sharing "'Olympic Tips to Be the Best You Can Be".

Aug 09, 2024 · courses

Thoroughly enjoyed the course! Perfect balance of theory, videos and interactive exercises. Excellent facilitation too!

Customer Experience Owner, ASB

I am super grateful for this course. It was so open and we got to talk and we got to be presented with options and insights and I've enjoyed the collaborative approach so much.

Product Owner, Xero

Excellent content - relevant and pitched at the right level!