Self-Selection: The ultimate booster of autonomy and engagement
Self-Selection: The ultimate booster of autonomy and engagement
Imagine, just for a moment, that I walked into your organisation and asked everyone to down tools for a day and get into teams of their choosing. That I asked everyone to choose who they wanted to work with and what they wanted to work on.
Think about what would happen. Would people organically place themselves into teams that worked? Or would it be chaos? Would there be some areas that nobody wanted to work in? What about people—would there be people nobody wanted to work with, much like the kid in the school yard who always got picked last?
Read more and download the article here (PDF).
This article was published in Emergence, the Journal of Business Agility. We have permission to publish Sandy Mamoli's article free of charge (For a full magazine subscription sign up here. We promise it's well worth the cost).