Nomad8 News May 2019

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of our incredibly random, largely irreverent and loosely factual newsletter! It’s been quite a while since our last update and so much has happened! So get yourself something to drink and settle in. Here we go.

Firstly, we finally decided we were grown-up enough to pay proper money for a proper website. So we partnered with the creative and geniuses at Pitch Studio and the word-smithing mastery of String Theory, then parted with vast sums of cash and voila! … our new site.

We think it reflects who we are - perfectly.

We’ve carried the new brand through to our new online shop - and given the Kanban boards a refresh and redesign, as well as the Liftoff and Planning Poker cards. Go on, spoil someone - give them the gift of productivity and wonder.

New bodies

We’ve added a few new people to our team - we’re a very selective and selected bunch, but these are some very special additions.

Paulius Tuzikas hails from Lithuania and has worked in various European organisations, most recently with Typeform (so look forward to some kickarse surveys from us next). In his own words he’s “passionate about personal development” and co-authored the personal growth framework for Agile Coaches.

Sam Laing has also joined us this month. Sam was a partner in Growing Agile in South Africa, and moved to NZ so she could live in the countryside with her wife and her dogs. SA’s loss is our gain, as Sam is a super experienced Agile Coach who loves to work with teams and individuals.

Damian Brown expands our team into the southern-most reaches of the world. We can now officially say we’re in Christchurch. Damian is a strong advocate for Agile, Lean and Design Thinking, but seems to be particularly excited about all things Kanban.

Colart Miles is an unforgettable force on the Agile scene. Heavily involved in the startup and innovation ecosystems, he makes his real money by working alongside clients to embed Agile practices in a range of organisations. He adds to our collection of hairy men by growing an amazing moustache.

Equally significant and also very hairy, we’ve welcomed Luca and Rosa as our newest team members. Active (and noisy) participants in our meetings, you may well encounter them if and when we meet - or in the local dog park.

New things to say

Over the last couple of months the Nomads have been out and about speaking at Agile on the Beach (Paulius and Sam), Agile India (Anthony - on video), and Business Agility New York (Sandy).

Coming up

If you missed all those though you can still catch talks coming up in May at Business Agility Vienna (Sandy), in June at the Agile and DevOPs meetup in Sheffield UK (Damian) and Agile Australia (Sandy), in August in Auckland at Southern SaaS (Sandy) and in Washington DC at Agile 2019 USA (Sam, Anthony and Sandy) and in September at Agile Prague (Sam and Tony).

For those long commutes (or dog walks) you can also listen to Sandy speaking about Agile in various podcasts: The Spinoff Business is Boring and Agile FM.

The closest thing we have to a best seller, Creating Great Teams by Sandy Mamoli and David Mole, has been translated into German and is available herefor those of you that can read it, or if you just want to learn some new really long words.

Heads UP - #JAFAC is back - in Wellington!

#JAFAC, our annual micro conference, is two days of inspiration, illumination and Agile creativity. This year #JAFAC (Just Another Fking Agile Conference) is going to be in Wellington!

Ten fascinating speakers, a day of Open Space and just 100 attendees has proven to be the winning formula for this event. Each year is a sell-out and people keep coming back for more!

Bookmark September 5-6 and we’ll be back very soon with more details and where and who and all the juicy stuff.

If you want to get in early, we've created a super earlybird special so you can register now.

What’s in it for you?

If you’ve read this far, congratulations! We can reward you with some goodness from our team to you.

Paulius has been collaborating with his European colleagues from a previous life, and they have created A tool that makes planning retros easier than ever before!

Anthony has created a Facilitation canvas - an amazing tool for planning your next facilitation experience. Plan brilliant meetings, be confident and clear, and get great outcomes using this canvas.

Rob had a bit of time on his hands over the Xmas break and spent it working up a grand new concept for the Nomad8 team. Growth Sprints mix the most powerful concepts from Google Design Sprints and Growth Hacking and create an ideal forum for ideating and prototyping new ideas. It is the perfect framework to align product, marketing, design and technology and figure out what you should be focusing on next. If that sounds like something you need - talk to us about it!

ICAgile Team Facilitator

And finally, our rare and amazing and highly sought after Agile Team Facilitator course is running in Auckland on July 17-18. If you’re a scrum master, team facilitator, person who’s looking for the next thing post fundamentals, someone who manages people …. Register now to secure your spot.

About the courseBook now

That’s us!

Thanks for sticking all the way to the end! You’re amazing!

Have a super fab day
The Nomad8 team


1 2 3 Purpose


Lessons Learned from 100+ Retrospectives